La Voz de Mi Gente: North Carolina

Hispanic Federation has been leading efforts to register, inform, and mobilize Latino voters in North Carolina since 2020. 

several women who work for Hispanic Federation posing for a photo behind an HF branded step and repeat

La Voz De Mi Gente

Our North Carolina Model

Civic Engagement is much more than voting! In North Carolina our efforts to engage with Latino voters revolve around 4 main pillars.

Voter Registration

Registering the next growing Latino population to show our strength on the ballot box.

Issue-Based Education

Helping communities across North Carolina connect civic participation to the issues that matter the most to them.

Getting Out The Vote

Mobilizing the growing population of Latino voters in North Carolina to exercise their right to vote.

Cultural Competency

Mobilizing the growing population of Latino voters in North Carolina to exercise their right to vote.

2024 Important Dates

Voter Registration Deadline
Oct 1
You must be registered to vote by Oct 11, 2024 if you want to vote in the general election.
Vote by Mail Request Deadline
Oct 1
The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the election is October 29, 2024.
Last Day to Vote Early
Nov 1
North Carolina registered voters can vote early in the primary election from Oct 17 - Nov 2, 2024
General Election
Nov 5
North Carolina voters can vote in-person on Nvember 5

La Voz de mi gente

Our Voter Registration Efforts in North Carolna

From registering voters in grocery stores, festivals, and stadiums to helping our partners build their voter registration program, HF is laser focused on closing the Latino voter registration gap in North Carolina..

Getting Out The Vote

As the Latino population in North Carolina continues to grow, it’s essential that we all participate in the election process and allow our voice to be heard. Find all the info needed to vote below.

Our Impact in North Carolina

North Carolina voters registered to vote since 2020
North Carolina voters reached since 2016.
$ 10 K
In investments to local NC organizations since 2022
Member organizations in the La Voz de Mi Gente NC Coalition

Contact Us

For more information on any of our civic engagement programs in North Carolina or if you need assistance with a civic engagement-related topic, please reach out.

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