Our Nonprofit Network

HF is the largest Latino umbrella organization in the U.S. with a network of 650+ nonprofits. Our network of nonprofits is the foundation on which we build community and make a lasting impact in the lives of Latinos.

$ M
in grants awarded to nonprofits since 1990
$ 0 M
in pandemic-related grants awarded to nonprofits between 2020 - 2022
0 M
People served through more than 500 nonprofits across the U.S., Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.

Our Members and Benefits

Of our 650+ nonprofits, 149 are formal Hispanic Federation member agencies who receive a broad range of support and benefits designed to help them meet the growing needs of the Hispanic community. These services include technical assistance, fundraising workshops, grants for operating support, and more.

Grant Opportunities

HF is a leading grantmaker for nonprofits across the country, having provided more than $125 Million since 1990 to support our network of more than 650 nonprofit members and partners. This grantmaking plays a crucial role in establishing programs that uplift Latino families while also supporting the operational needs of the grassroots, nonprofit organizations that serve the community.

Connecticut Financial Education Grant

Hispanic Federation will provide subgrants of $50,000 to up to seven eligible organizations within Connecticut’s 1st Congressional District. Organizations must lead programs that provide culturally and linguistically competent financial education to low- to moderate-income Latino communities.

NYC Communities of Color Nonprofit Stabilization Fund

CCNSF aims to build the capacity of New York City nonprofits in recognition of the fact that organizations led by people of the community are best equipped to meet the needs of the community.

Nonprofit Organizational Development

HF offers a variety of resources, technical assistance, fundraising workshops, leadership development courses, and more to strengthen community-based organizations. Many of these resources are available to our members and partners as well as other nonprofits.

Meeting the Moment: Latine CBO’S Response to COVID-19

Read our recent report that documents HF’s total grantmaking during the COVID-19 pandemic and the efforts that kept individuals and families safe.