Somos Familia Valle

Somos Familia Valle founded in 2014 is our local San Fernando Valley community organization led by trans queer people of color dedicated to support, empower, train, and mobilize trans and queer people, and allies for racial, gender, environmental, and economic justice. Our recent transition to a non-profit in 2018 led us to develop our values of promoting safe LGBTQ+ affirming homes, safer schools, and healthier communities through our core values: a commitment to being our authentic selves, family courage, bilingual health education, civic engagement, cultural humility, and social justice. Currently, in our third year as an official non-profit, we have developed a community volunteer led LGBTQ+ Youth Council program, Men of Color Support Group, Women of Color Support Group, and Family/Parent Support. Through these programs we have been able to create LGBTQ+ movement in the San Fernando Valley.

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Youth Alliance of Hollister
TODEC Legal Center

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