Letter from the President

The Hispanic Federation’s annual gala is just over a month away. Every year, this event is a singular gathering that brings together 800 business, community, labor and civic leaders to celebrate and support Latino causes. This year, we shine a light on the actions we carry out together that are inspiring a Latino movement full of great power, purpose and promise. And, given the state of our national politics, we need your support now more than ever before. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

If you’re like me you have spent the last several months reading the headlines, watching the news, and shaking your head. It’s easy to feel frustrated and angry about the political landscape as we choose a new President. But the truth is that while the stories coming out of the campaigns can occasionally wear you down, there are many movements happening in our communities that give me great hope about our future. That’s why I’m so excited about our Annual Gala, which takes place on April 21st at the American Museum of Natural History. This benefit will once again serve as an opportunity for all of us to come together to support, protect and uplift our community.

Each year for the last twenty-five years, Hispanic Federation has asked for your help to support our social service and advocacy member organizations. In places as diverse as New York City and Orlando, our Latino nonprofits are on the frontlines of helping to make our communities stronger. They’re offering citizenship classes to new immigrants, health services to families, educational programs to young people and companionship and purpose to our seniors. But they’re doing much more than that! Our family of Latino nonprofits are also working closely with us to advance a Latino social movement around immigration reform, educational equity, environmental justice and civic engagement. They do this work every day, away from the spotlight, often without the resources they need.

Our annual gala is the single most important fundraiser that we sponsor and the proceeds from the event go to support our incredible network of 100 Latino community-based organizations with vital capacity-building grants. Last year, thanks to our supporters, Hispanic Federation raised $1.5 million to provide much-needed financial support to Latino nonprofit organizations.

We are proud to honor this year individuals and institutions that share our goals for building a stronger Latino community: Toyota, philanthropist Luis Ubiñas, local nonprofit Sure We Can, and Amanda Bennett and Donald E. Graham, co-founders of The Dream.US.

I look forward to celebrating the evening of the April 21st with each of you. Thank you for partnering with us and helping us achieve so much good. Together, we’re inspiring a Latino movement!

To sponsor or purchase tickets for our Annual Gala, please click here. !Mil gracias!

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