HF’s Annual Gala Raises $2.6 Million

It’s the biggest night of the year for Hispanic Federation. And thanks to you, it was our most successful Annual Gala ever! We not only raised money to support our network of community-based organizations, we sent a message about the America we fight for and believe in. Click here to read more.
Type(s): Piñata

Last month, Hispanic Federation celebrated its annual star-studded gala, “Out of Many, One” at the American Museum of Natural History. The gala raised more than $2.6 million dollars, a historic fundraising total that will help support the Federation’s vital network of 115 community-based organizations, and its overall work to empower and uplift Latino families and neighborhoods across the country.

Award-winning composer, lyricist and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda served as the Federation’s Gala Chair, presenting the Humanitarian Award to George Soros for his commitment to increasing Latino participation in civil society, and the Premio Orgullo award to Latino music icon Marc Anthony for his work on behalf of vulnerable children in Latin America. Popular, Inc., a pioneering supporter of the Hispanic Federation – and a key ally in the relief and recovery efforts of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria – received the organization’s Corporate Leadership Award. Urban Health Plan, one of our nation’s leading health networks, received the Community Service Award for their commitment to the well-being of the Latino community.

“At the core of the Hispanic Federation’s work is the unwavering belief that creating a compassionate, inclusive and hopeful society not only builds stronger communities, it builds a stronger America,” said Hispanic Federation president José Calderón. “We’re proud and grateful that our honorees, donors and guests this evening share those core values, and work with us every day to create a better and brighter future for our children, families and institutions.”

This year’s top gala sponsors included Popular, Inc., Bank of America, Univision, Morgan Stanley, Charter, Warner Media HBO, Hennessy, Grupo Salinas and Toyota.

Joining the festivities this year were former New York Giants legend Victor Cruz and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon, whose generous efforts in promoting Puerto Rico, included taping an entire episode of ‘The Tonight Show’ on the island.

With the support of the Open Society Foundations founded by George Soros, the Hispanic Federation has been able to engage Latino voters, campaign against homophobia after the devastating Pulse nightclub shooting and advocate for federal funding to rebuild in Puerto Rico.

“My Open Society Foundations have long worked to help empower Latino communities—supporting grassroots efforts to protect and advance immigrant rights, promote economic and educational opportunity, and, most recently, to help Puerto Rico build back from Hurricane Maria,” said Soros. “This work is especially urgent today, given the harsh anti-immigrant, anti-minority and racist tenor of the current administration. I look forward to continued partnership with Latino leaders and activists.”

Marc Anthony received this year’s Premio Orgullo in recognition of his impassioned advancement of Latino music and culture, and his inspirational support of orphans and other vulnerable children through his Maestro Cares Foundation. In addition, Anthony also created the alliance of artists and athletes Somos Una Voz to help provide humanitarian relief to areas affected by natural disasters throughout the southern United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico and other affected areas in the Caribbean.

“It is an honor to receive this recognition from an organization that has been in the forefront supporting our community for so many years and continues to do the work for our people when they need it the most,” said Marc Anthony. “I am thrilled to stand here tonight in the presence of all the honorees and to receive this award from Lin Manuel, someone that I admire and respect for so many years.”

This year’s Corporate Leadership Awardee, Popular, Inc., has worked closely with the Federation to support Latino communities throughout the U.S. mainland. The bank’s work with the Federation grew even wider and deeper after Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017. Together, Popular Inc. and the Federation have worked to invest millions of dollars in Puerto Rican community-based organizations to support relief and recovery efforts on the island. In 2018, the Hispanic Federation and Fundación Banco Popular together launched the Puerto Rico Big Ideas Challenge – a social innovation challenge for local nonprofits seeking to re-imagine a new Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

The Federation’s Community Service Award went to Urban Health Plan, one of the nation’s leading community health networks.

“On behalf of the Urban Health Plan family, it gives us great pride to be honored by the Hispanic Federation,” said Paloma Izquierdo-Hernandez, president and CEO. “Our shared heritage encourages us to develop opportunities to uplift, enrich and strengthen the lives of Latinos, whether in New York City, the country or throughout the world. We look forward to sharing those opportunities with the Hispanic Federation.”

Fundraising proceeds from the gala night support the Federation and its vast network of Latino grassroots nonprofits respond to the needs and aspirations of our nation’s growing Latino community. Proceeds will also support our work to support immigrant children and families throughout the country, and its community programs in the areas of education, health care, civic engagement and economic development.

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