HF Hosts Members of Congress to Discuss Immigration Policy

President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is just the latest assault on immigrants by the White House. How does one confront an administration committed to criminalizing immigrant communities and enacting a religious and ethnic litmus test on future immigration into our country? Those were just some of the questions raised at a historic meeting co-sponsored late last month by Hispanic Federation and Congressman Adriano Espaillat. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is just the latest assault on immigrants by the White House.  How does one confront an administration committed to fundamentally redesigning America’s immigration policies, militarizing the border, and promoting deportation?  Those were just some of the questions raised at a historic meeting co-sponsored last week by Hispanic Federation and Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) last month.

“The Moment of Truth: Where America Stands on Immigration” event brought together key elected, business and community leaders to discuss the legislative and popular responses to the Trump Administration’s attacks on immigrants. In particular, the convening focused on the policies and strategies that have to be carried out to protect DACA recipients from deportation and fight proposals like the RAISE Act, which would cut legal immigration in half. Participants included Congressional Members Nancy Pelosi, Luis Gutierrez, Raul Grijalva, Nydia Velazquez, Jose Serrano, Joe Crowley, Yvette Clarke and Jerry Nadler, and New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito and NYC Public Advocate Leticia James.  

“This gathering was one of the most important events we’ve had this year on immigration because it brought together three sectors that are critical to making sure our nation enacts rational and just immigration policies: elected leadership, immigrant rights advocates and the business community,” said HF President José Calderón. “When Congressman Espaillat came to us to work with him on this project, we immediately jumped at the opportunity, especially since he was able to bring to the table some of the Congress’ leading advocates for immigration reform."

“President Trump has declared all-out war on immigrant youth by ending DACA. Today, we stood in unity to show our strength in numbers and in our efforts to protect immigrant youth, DACA recipients, DREAMERS, immigrant families and our future here in America,” said Congressman Espaillat. “Thank you to all participants, Members of Congress, corporate leaders, university administrators and advocates for showing up and speaking out during today's "Moment of Truth" forum on immigration.”

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