Over the past three and a half years, the Hispanic Federation has broken new ground by engaging Latinos nationally in an unprecedented and historical campaign in defense of public lands and the validation and promotion of national monument designation. The benefits of our nation's parks are many, from preserving our precious resources to fostering economic development. Of equal importance is their contribution to the health and well-being of the nation’s 55 million Hispanics, too many of whom are inflicted with obesity, diabetes and other preventable and treatable diseases.
To engage more Latinos toward this vital mission, HF helped launch the Latino Conservation Alliance, supported President Obama’s designation of New Mexico’s Organ Mountains Desert-Peaks as a national monument, and coordinated a sign-on letter of 75 national and local Latino organizations in support of permanently reauthorizing the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. The culmination of our tireless efforts is the recent release of Healthy Parks, Healthy Latinos, a report that lays out a compelling case for Congress to invest in green spaces through the reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and continuation of the Antiquities Act, while highlighting great local parks projects that should be replicated across the country.
To read the full report click here.