On Friday, the White House released a statement regarding Congressional negotiations on immigration policy and foreign aid funding. In response the statement and ongoing negotiations, Hispanic Federation President and CEO Frankie Miranda issued the following statement: Read more…
Type(s): Press Release

Contact: media@hispanicfederation.org

On Friday, the White House released a statement regarding Congressional negotiations on immigration policy and foreign aid funding. In response the statement and ongoing negotiations, Hispanic Federation President and CEO Frankie Miranda issued the following statement:

“For decades, nonprofit organizations, advocates, community members, and the families and individuals who are caught in the middle of our dysfunctional immigration system have been fighting and pleading for fair and humane immigration reform. Now, in the face of decades of inaction, extremist Republicans and former President Donald Trump are hijacking Congress and immigration policy for their own political gain.

To make matters worse, it is deeply disappointing to see the White House cave into rhetoric that may pose a danger to those who are seeking refuge, including those who already call the United States their home. The rhetoric we’re seeing in Congress and elsewhere is fanning the flame of hate and confusion, and we cannot tolerate this.

Our message to the White House and sensible leaders in Congress is simple – do not abandon our shared values. Immigrants arriving at our border are fleeing violence, civil strife, and other unimaginable horrors. They want nothing more than to work and provide for their families. Instead of playing politics with their lives, Congress and the White House should instead focus on streamlining the asylum process while also expediting work authorization and supporting the nonprofits that have been on the frontlines helping our new neighbors. These are the policies that would alleviate the current situation at our border and enable newly arrived migrants and other immigrants to add billions of dollars to our economy.

We can provide foreign aid to our allies without abandoning the values that strengthen this country, but we need Congress and the White House to negotiate in good faith while keeping in mind the human beings who are caught in the middle of this debate.”

About Hispanic Federation
Hispanic Federation (HF) is a nonprofit membership and advocacy organization, founded in 1990, committed to empowering and advancing the Hispanic community, with a focus on low-income, marginalized and immigrant Latinos. With programs in 40 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia, HF’s focus areas include immigration, economic empowerment, civic engagement, disaster relief, philanthropy, education, health, and the environment. HF also maintains ongoing public education campaigns and meets the organizational development needs of its member agencies through grant-making and capacity-building assistance.


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