At a time when Congress is unable to meaningfully address critical issues, such as nation-wide affordable housing issues, rising food costs, and our broken immigration, extremists in Congress are using tax-payer money and precious time to play politics in an embarrassing and failed attempt to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. Read more…
Type(s): Press Release

Contact: media@hispanicfederation.org

Hispanic Federation President and CEO Frankie Miranda issued the following statement:

“At a time when Congress is unable to meaningfully address critical issues, such as nation-wide affordable housing issues, rising food costs, and our broken immigration, extremists in Congress are using tax-payer money and precious time to play politics in an embarrassing and failed attempt to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. The American people and migrant families caught in the middle of this political theater need leaders who can propose real solutions to some of the most pressing issues of our time. Congress, it’s time to get to work on issues that will help uplift our families nationwide.”


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