Hispanic Federation Applauds Initial Judge Order Blocking Executive Order to End Constitutional Right of Birthright Citizenship

Type(s): Press Release

For Immediate Release: January 24, 2025

Contact: media@hispanicfederation.org

Hispanic Federation Applauds Initial Judge Order Blocking Executive Order to End Constitutional Right of Birthright Citizenship

New York, NY – Yesterday, a senior US Judge from the Western District of Washington temporarily struck down President Trump’s Executive Order that attempts to end Birthright Citizenship. The ruling responds to a complaint brought by Washington State, Arizona, Oregon, and Illinois: one of five lawsuits that were filed against the order across the nation and implements a 14-day Temporary Restraining Order that went into effect starting yesterday. Below is a statement from Frankie Miranda, President and CEO of Hispanic Federation, regarding the ruling:

“We are reassured to see the district court recognize how the Constitutional right of birthright citizenship is interwoven into the United States. For generations, newly arrived citizens, through birth or naturalization, have played a significant role in sculpting this society and the Executive Order ending birthright citizenship flies in the face of that norm. The notion that this right could be revoked from people and torn out of the country’s Constitution with a stroke of a pen is deeply concerning and is an affront to the strength of our nation.

The plaintiff’s lawsuit includes noteworthy testimonials from both pregnant moms who fear for the well-being of their children and from attorneys general who are U.S. citizens by birth. This range of testimony should serve as a reminder that the rulings on birthright citizenship have grave implications for our great nation’s present and future. Whether you were born in 1975 and you fear the loss of your citizenship or you have a child who will be born in 2025 and you fear for your child’s future, we are committed to making sure that everyone knows that Constitutional rights do not have an cutoff date and I am hopeful that future court rulings will keep this in mind.”



Hispanic Federation (HF) is a nonprofit membership and advocacy organization, founded in 1990, committed to empowering and advancing the Hispanic community, with a focus on low-income, marginalized and immigrant Latine. With programs in 40 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia, HF’s focus areas include immigration, economic empowerment, civic engagement, disaster relief, philanthropy, education, health, and the environment. HF also maintains ongoing public education campaigns and meets the organizational development needs of its member agencies through grant-making and capacity-building assistance.

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