Churches United for Fair Housing

Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH) is a grassroots advocacy organization rooted in faith and community spaces that provides affordable housing services and integrated social resources. CUFFH organizes our working-class BIPOC communities around issues of housing, immigration, social, and economic justice to generate power and harness true liberation. CUFFH was born out of community organizing efforts around a rezoning and development at the Broadway Triangle, Brooklyn that would create dramatic racial disparities and increased segregation in the area. A decade later, with guidance from the community and our members, CUFFH continues to address issues related to affordable and fair housing, providing services and supports to low income and immigrant families, and organizing the most vulnerable New Yorkers to fight back against discriminatory practices which are created and perpetuated by government policies and development practices. Today, our network has deep roots throughout Brooklyn and our staff operates out of community centers in Williamsburg, Bushwick, Fort Greene, Sunset Park and East New York/Brownsville – serving populations that are most at risk from displacement and gentrification, landlord harassment, immigration threats and a lack of access to social services. Using community organizing methods as the foundation of our work, CUFFH organizes lay leaders and youth to combine forces and combat the social justice issues impacting NYC’s most vulnerable communities. CUFFH programs serve the extremely-low-income, low-income, and immigrant families that are threatened by NYC’s housing crisis. Ninety percent of our constituents are Latinx and Black and are limited or non-English speaking.

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