SOMOS Celebrates 29th Anniversary

Each spring, for the past twenty-nine years, Albany has become the center of New York State’s Latino community. That’s because the SOMOS Legislative Conference has served as a catalyst for our political, business, and civic leaders to come together and address the major issues facing our community. This year’s SOMOS conference, under the leadership of Assemblyman Marcos Crespo was a great success and Hispanic Federation was proud to be there to mark the historic occasion. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

The 29th annual SOMOS El Futuro Conference was held in Albany from March 17th to the 19th and Hispanic Federation was once again a major force in organizing the most important legislative event for New York State’s Latinos. Working in partnership with NYS Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, the Chair of New York’s Puerto Rican/Hispanic Legislative Task Force, and the Somos Board of Directors, the Hispanic Federation organized panels, workshops and seminars on issues ranging from health care to education. This year’s opening Plenary Session was titled “Is the Future of America in the Hands of Latino Voters.” The session began with remarks by U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and included a panel discussion moderated by Telemundo 47 weekend anchor Alberto Rullán and featuring Héctor Sánchez of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Angela Fernandez, Esq of the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights and Hispanic Federation President José Calderón.

“Every year, the SOMOS conference is an important undertaking for the Hispanic Federation,” José Calderón said. “We work hard to fulfill the vision of our Hispanic legislative task force to develop a program that speaks to the needs of our community, and educates and empowers our leadership to advance change. SOMOS is really a unique opportunity to come together as familia and drive a New York State Latino agenda.”

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