HF Annual Gala Celebrates Latino Community

America Ferrera, Mayor Bill de Blasio, international soccer legend David Villa, and television stars John Quiñones, Liliana Vazquez and Jorge Ramos were just some of the guests who gathered under the world-famous big blue whale at the iconic American Museum of Natural History in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, as Hispanic Federation (HF), celebrated its annual gala. The event raised $1.6 million in support of Hispanic causes in the areas of civic engagement, economic empowerment, education, the environment, immigration, health, and organizational development. Click here to read more.
Type(s): Piñata

More than 800 of the nation’s leading public officials, community leaders, media celebrities, and corporate elites gathered for an evening of dinner and dancing to support programs and services for the Latino community. Actress and activist America Ferrera, co-founders of TheDream.US Amanda Bennett and Donald Graham, philanthropist and entrepreneur Luis Ubiñas, international soccer star David Villa Sánchez, New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, and television stars John Quiñones, Liliana Vazquez and Jorge Ramos were just some of the guests who gathered to celebrate the Hispanic Federation and its member agencies.

“The work of the Federation is not possible without the unwavering support of extraordinary individuals and institutions committed to uplifting our community,” said José Calderón, President of the Hispanic Federation. “Our 2016 honorees embody the very ideals of determination, impact and greatness that inspire us to imagine and create a vibrant Latino movement for generations to come.”

Six extraordinary institutions and individuals were honored at this year’s benefit event.

Amanda Bennett and Donald E. Graham, co-founders of TheDream.US, received the Humanitarian Award for their steadfast commitment to immigrant youth.

Toyota received the Corporate Leadership Award for their dedication to supporting nonprofit organizations serving Latinos.

Philanthropist and entrepreneur Luis Ubiñas accepted the Individual Achievement Award for his transformative career that has created countless opportunities for Latinos.

Actress and Activist America Ferrera accepted the Premio Orgullo (Pride Award) for her achievements in the arts and as an activist.

The Community Service Award was given to Sure We Can for creating a community for canners that is environmentally and socially conscious.

In addition to Mayor de Blasio and Speaker Mark Viverito, several dozen government officials also attended the Hispanic Federation’s gala, including: Congressman Charles Rangel, Congressman Raul Ruiz, Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, NYS Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Chair of the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force, NYS Senator Adriano Espaillat, NYS Senator Gustavo Rivera, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer.

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