Civic Engagement

This is a critical election year for Latino communities. Hispanic Federation’s Civic Engagement program has been active in 2016 educating and mobilizing over 25,000 Latinos to participate in local and national elections. From New York to Florida, HF has been training volunteers, providing civic education, hosting community forums and town halls, and registering potential voters in anticipation of November’s elections. As we head into the home stretch, HF will be ramping up it’s civic engagement efforts to make sure Latino voices are heard loud and clear in the fall.Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

Going into this election season, Hispanic Federation set high goals for itself: register a minimum of 40,000 voters and make a minimum of 100,000 Get Out The Vote (GOTV) contacts. Thanks to the support of partners including Comcast, Ford Foundation and Con Edison, we are well on our way to meeting those goals. As we ramp up our voter mobilization work in Florida, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and elsewhere, HF has already a solid foundation of 10,000 voters registered, and 17,500 GOTV (Get Out the Vote) contacts over several months of work.

We’re also trying new ways to mobilize our community. We launched HF’s first GOTV Texting Bank — an outreach effort that is especially effective at reaching younger voters — in April 2016. 2,000 eligible New York voters were engaged as a result of that effort. In the critical swing state of Florida, we have three teams comprised of 15 canvassers and a coordinator working to register voters in all-important Orange, Osceola and Volusia Counties.

These civic engagement efforts have been possible thanks to the cooperation of our network of community-based organizations, institutional allies and media partners such as Univision and Telemundo. For more information on our civic engagement work, please contact our Director of Civic Engagement and Immigration, Fryda Guedes.

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