President’s Message – July 20, 2015

Our Mid-Year Report is here! It’s a time to review recent accomplishments – and to set the stage for finishing the year even stronger. I’m proud to say the Federation has already done incredible work. Working together with our incomparable network of Latino community-based organizations, we’ve touched the lives of more than 65,000 individuals and families over the past six months through our array of health, education, immigration, civic engagement, and environmental services. At the same time, we’ve continued to strengthen our Latino nonprofits by providing over 1.1M in grants to date. We’ve also convened our community’s leadership around major issues to drive action on community schools, farmworkers rights, criminal justice, immigrant integration, health disparities and environmental protection and conservation. And we’ve pioneered HF’s first-ever satellite office in Florida. Overall, HF has grown in scope and reach to achieve greater impact – for more of our families and more of our community. Read more…
Type(s): Press Release

Our Mid-Year Report is here! It’s a time to review recent accomplishments – and to set the stage for finishing the year even stronger. I’m proud to say the Federation has already done incredible work. Working together with our incomparable network of Latino community-based organizations, we've touched the lives of more than 65,000 individuals and families over the past six months through our array of health, education, immigration, civic engagement, and environmental services. At the same time, we’ve continued to strengthen our Latino nonprofits by providing over 1.1M in grants to date. We've also convened our community's leadership around major issues to drive action on community schools, farmworkers rights, criminal justice, immigrant integration, health disparities and environmental protection and conservation. And we’ve pioneered HF’s first-ever satellite office in Florida. Overall, HF has grown in scope and reach to achieve greater impact – for more of our families and more of our community.

In this issue of e-Pinata, we highlight several 2015 achievements that speak to our far-reaching impact. They include our efforts to raise awareness about the Affordable Care Act and enroll Latino families in low-cost health insurance. It also includes our policy advocacy work around the environment and a multitude of other civil rights issues. I am particularly proud that we have been able to continuously organize and leverage the collective wisdom and power of our community to create opportunities for social action.

Beyond these important successes, the year has been groundbreaking in terms of our core mission of helping Latino nonprofits. Thanks to the New York City Council and especially Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, we have been able to secure a $2.5M Communities of Color Nonprofit Stabilization Fund award for a second year. This project, which benefits tens of thousands of New Yorkers through supporting the work of 80 grassroots agencies, is not only important for our nonprofit sector, it also signals that the nature of our work is valued and trusted by New York City’s leaders.

These past accomplishments set the stage for even more amazing victories. Looking forward, we are beyond excited by the potential of working in Florida and the Southeast. It is a little known fact that this region is experiencing the largest percentage growth of Latinos in the entire nation. With the 2016 elections coming up, HF will support Latino voter turnout in these key states. HF is also gearing up to fight for the re-authorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, set to expire this September, and continue our push for other progressive policies that help uplift and empower our community.

Clearly, there is much work to do. But as I look at these remaining six months of the year and beyond, I know the Federation is poised to lead and build a brighter future for Latinos across the nation.

Thank you for standing with us and making our work possible!

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