Hispanic Federation Celebrates Senate’s Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act

The bipartisan passage of the Respect for Marriage Act is exactly the type of unifying action this country needs. This legislation embraces the LGBTQ+ community and ensures equality for same-sex couples who choose to marry, sending a resounding message across the country that hate will not be tolerated. Read more….
Type(s): Press Release

Contact: media@hispanicfederation.org

Hispanic Federation President and CEO Frankie Miranda issued the following statement regarding the Senate’s passage of the Respect for Marriage Act:

“The bipartisan passage of the Respect for Marriage Act is exactly the type of unifying action this country needs. This legislation embraces the LGBTQ+ community and ensures equality for same-sex couples who choose to marry, sending a resounding message across the country that hate will not be tolerated.

Across the country, many politicians have fought for and implemented hateful and dangerous legislation that stigmatizes LGBTQ+ communities. To make matters worse, the Supreme Court has shown its willingness to overturn decades of precedent and take away rights that are widely supported by the public. These potentially harmful policy decisions and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric normalizes and leads to the senseless hate, violence, and loss of life we saw most recently in Colorado – and it must be stopped.

With the Respect for Marriage Act, elected leaders are taking a crucial step to combat this hate and allow people to love who they love free of discrimination. Hispanic Federation joins LGBTQ+ leaders and advocates across the country who are celebrating the Senate's passage of the Respect for Marriage Act. We thank Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Tammy Baldwin, and all of our LGBTQ+ champions for paving the path forward for this historic, bipartisan legislation. We urge the House to pass this bill immediately so President Biden can swiftly sign it into law.”

Frankie Miranda is the first gay President and CEO of Hispanic Federation. He assumed his role in 2019. On June 14, 2022, Hispanic Federation launched the Advance Change Together (ACT) Initiative, a new and much-needed Latinx LGBTQ+ advocacy and capacity building program that empowers and supports Latinx LGBTQ+ communities. More information can be found here.

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