Newsletters & Blogs

Every quarter, Hispanic Federation sends a comprehensive update on our latest work to our community of subscribers through our newsletter “¡Escucha Esto!” We also publish blogs to keep our community up to date on all of our work. Read our past newsletters below.

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Bringing Light and Hope to the Bahamas
Hurricane Dorian left a trail of death and devastation in its wake in early September. The storm’s full weight fell on the islands of the Bahamas and nearly two months later residents of the Caribbean archipelago are still struggling to get back on their feet. Hispanic Federation and Chef José Andres are doing their part to help the island recover. Click here to read more.
Lin-Manuel Miranda and Chef José Andrés Advocate for New York’s Farmworkers
There are approximately 100,000 farmworkers in New York State. They are vital to our economy and to our families. They also work without most of the protections other workers in New York take for granted. Albany can change this. That’s why we joined with Lin-Manuel Miranda and Chef José Andres to write a piece for the New York Daily News calling on our elected officials to protect farmworkers’ rights. Click here to continue reading.

¡Escucha Esto!

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