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  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Hispanic Federation is deeply committed to advancing equity and inclusion throughout our work. Read our full diversity, equity, and inclusion statement that guides all of our work.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Hispanic Federation (HF) fights for equity and inclusion in all areas of our work seeking to empower and advance the Hispanic community. Our unique understanding of and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is based on the reality that our Hispanic/Latinx community shares a strong cultural bond through our uniquely pan-ethnic and multiracial heritage. Latinos/Latinas/Latinx can be Black, White, Indigenous, Asian, Arab and/or Mestizo, among others, and trace their origins to countries on five continents as well as identify in the LGBTQ+ community, as a veteran or with a disability.

HF understands that diversity, equity, and inclusion is required to effectively champion every community we serve. We affirm our commitment to building sustainable, inclusive, and resilient organizations and communities.

Our broader view of diversity values all the qualities that make individuals who they are, from race, language, and country of origin to gender identity and to who they love.

We recognize that every person brings a special perspective and experience to our mission and progress in advancing the Hispanic community and supporting Latino families across the country. We want to ensure that every member nonprofit, staff member, advocate, donor, and volunteer has an equal opportunity and role in solving community problems.

We commit to putting diversity, equity, and inclusion practices at the center of everything we do. Our differences are our strength, and we’ll look to honor and embrace those differences across all areas of our organization:

  • Our Board of Directors reflects the rich and growing diversity of our community.
  • Our programs are created with cultural awareness and treat all our clients with respect. We seek to engage those impacted by our work to ensure that our programs align with their needs and are inclusive and impactful.
  • We value the diversity of our donors, and welcome open, honest discussion and feedback.
  • Our organizational policies and procedures reflect our commitment to inclusivity and align with our mission, goals, and strategic plan.

HF’s work is focused on dismantling systemic racism and inequities that put our community at a disadvantage, and we are committed to doing that work in full partnership with all underrepresented communities.

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