Our Policy and Advocacy Work in Puerto Rico

Hispanic Federation leads a number of policy and advocacy campaigns to advance opportunity for communities across Puerto Rico. Much like our work at the national level, our policy and advocacy work in Puerto Rico focuses on three pillars: civil rights, justice, and equity and empowerment. Learn more about our policy and advocacy work in Puerto Rico below.

Take Action for Puerto Rico!

In 2017, we could not have imagined the devastation and marginalization that our beloved Puerto Rico would endure. Hurricanes in the Caribbean are nothing new, but Hurricane Maria’s ferocity—super-powered by the realities of climate change—exposed the vulnerability of an archipelago with a decaying energy infrastructure, a weak social safety-net, an unfair relationship with the United States, and a profound financial crisis.  

Puerto Rico

Hispanic Federation’s National Policy & Advocacy Work

Our overall policy and advocacy work aims to advance Latino opportunity and equity across the country by focusing on three pillars: civil rights, justice, and equity and empowerment.

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