• Policy and Advocacy

Policy and Advocacy

As the largest Latino umbrella organization in the nation, HF collaborates with our network of nonprofits in 42 states and territories as well as local, state, and national leaders and institutions to identify inequities and develop solutions to address them. Our policy and advocacy work aims to advance Latino opportunity and equity by focusing on three pillars: Civil Rights, Justice, and Equity and Empowerment.

Hispanic Federation, Puerto Rico on the ground to help community efforts

Our Advocacy Campaigns

HF has led a number of advocacy campaigns to advance opportunities for Latinos across the country. Our campaigns seek to elevate the voices of community members to enact change at the municipal, state, and federal level. Explore and join our campaigns to help empower our community.

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Our Advocacy Pillars

Our policy and advocacy work aims to advance Latino opportunity and equity by focusing on three pillars: Civil Rights, Justice, and Equity and Empowerment.

Civil Rights

Advancing and safeguarding civil rights for Latinos stands as a paramount priority at HF. We advocate to combat Latino discrimination, dismantle bias and hate, and ensure that every Latino possesses the fundamental right to participate and be heard in our democracy.


Advocating for just policies for the Latino community is vital to Hispanic Federation’s mission. Our community is diverse, and it is imperative that regardless of our differences, we all have equal and fair opportunities to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Hispanic Federation continuously works to empower historically marginalized communities to ensure fair treatment for all individuals in this nation.

Hispanic Federation Puerto Rico Special Engagement

Equity and Empowerment

Promoting equity and empowerment for all Latinos is core to Hispanic Federation’s advocacy agenda. Our policy framework presents culturally and linguistically pertinent solutions that aim to tackle the structural and systemic barriers responsible for perpetuating social and economic disparities. HF advocates for equitable policies that work to empower Latinos to fully contribute and benefit from the nation’s growth.

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Reports & Letters

Our advocacy campaigns drive systemic policy changes that uplift Latinos at the municipal, state, and federal levels. Through our work with lawmakers as well as our research, letters, and testimonials, HF identifies, creates, and fights for solutions that empower Latinos.

HF Director of Grants holding a report Hispanic Federation issued mid 2024.


Explore our reports that identify disparities in our communities and propose solutions to uplift Latinos across the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

Letters & Testimonials

Read our letters and testimonials that seek to advance policies at all levels of government to empower Latinos.

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